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•   Leveius Bryant (1985)  2/12
•   Mike Osby (1988)  2/12
•   Nancy Franks (Moser) (1969)  2/13
•   April Tipton (Cook) (2000)  2/13
•   Gustavo Carapia (2011)  2/16
•   Summer Warren (Ramsey) (1995)  2/16
•   Ronald Mackey (1981)  2/17
•   Vickey Wright (1971)  2/17
•   Kristi Cross (Grogan)  2/21
•   Linsey Askins (Campbell) (1997)  2/22
•   Wendy Clark (Cook)  2/22
•   Christin Lindgren (2013)  2/22
•   David Oates (1982)  2/22
•   Chris Ornelas (1997)  2/22
•   Billy Dewayne Carrington (1984)  2/24
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•   Moesha Gilmore (2015)  2/6
•   Brandon Hiner (Hiner) (1996)  1/12
•   Tracy Broadway (1980)  12/26
•   Carolyn Ward (Garcia) (1960)  12/26
•   Glynis Ruth Ward (Ritter) (1972)  12/25
•   Bracy Batson/Taylor (1988)  11/20
•   Judy Ward (Rice) (1963)  10/20
•   Vanessa Hooper (Thompson) (1990)  10/8
•   Brad Smith (1987)  9/13
•   Nancy Decker (Butler) (1977)  9/7
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 30.1%
A:   839   Joined
B:   1947   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


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545 live in Texas
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1,945 location unknown
1,590 are deceased


1924 Timpson Bears

Believe around 2001.  Class of 1943.

Gary McClellan...please send another email.  The email address you used, I cannot get back to you.  Thanks...Ralph Corry


Courtesy of TAGHS.

Front L to R: Ted Dent, Orval Miller, Gerald Stamps, Billy Ray Box, Bill Burnet, Second Row L to R:  Linnie Milford Crump, Kay Wilder, Una Faye Kimbro Evans (I think), Judy Eakin Adkison, Dot Franks Dornak, Lester Johnson, Lynn Evans,  Back Row L to R:  Tad Bailey, Marcus Welch, George Hancock.

Class of 1964.  50th Year Class Reunion in 2014 at Murvual.

1965 Timpson Homecoming game vs Shelbyville..Turn sound on sir some great music from that era.



Timpson Bears- Believe fall of 1924.  Some players on the 1924 were

Cecil Worsham Wilfred Whiteside Marcus Andrews Tulley Allen Tribble Beverly Langhorne J.P. Kyle
Paul Evans
Crawford Bailey Gooch Motley Harold Beasley
Gaston Stevenson Wyatt Nelson
Ollie Boatner Joe Ramsey
Epsy Wedgworth Charles Bussey Wilford Hawthorn
Calvin Hammer Wade Zorn Chink Davis
Marcus Pow

Does anyone recognize anyone?


Class of 1934- PIcture shared by Linda Ross Collins.  Her father, Jesse Lee Ross was a member of this class and is in the picture.


Back Row:   Leslie Paul Francis, George W. Harbuck, Trammell Pitts (T. P.) Rutheford, Jr.,

James F. Todd., R. E. McGee, John Franklin Childs

Second Row:  Clifford S.  Weir, G. C. Sayer, Virdell Marshall,  John W. Bates, William Henry

(Swifty) Harrison, Miss Spencer (Classroom Teacher)

Mr. Compton, Superintenent

Third Row:  Leonard Tyre, James Childs, Otis Hughes, Woodrow Wilson

Fourth Row:  Lovis King, Robert Lindsey Thornton, Jesse Lee Ross, G. W. Youngblood, Harry  Askins, Cohron J. Bush

Fifth Row:  Hazel Bell Cammack,  Ethel Evelyn Prince, Joseph Foy Lane, Marjorine Parker, Joecile McDowell, Frances King Corry, Eva Louise Andrews, Ione Lucille Alfred, SybleWedgeworth,

Ethlyn Coan

Front Row:  Arlene Black, Pauline (Polly) Hazel Motley, Hazel Hawthorn, Polly Langhorne,

Lillian McLendon, Mattie Lou Steele, Jewel Herring

Class of 1969 50th Year ReunionSeated left to right.  Mac Mac Samford, Patsy Miller, Von Myers, Kenny Burnett, Lynn Hartt, Donny Ray Smith. 
STANDING  left to right:
Barry Horton,Leslie Solomon , David McWilliams, Greg Crump,  James Box, Cindy Hudson, Betty Whiteside,  Mike Hairgrove,  and me. Danny K.eated left to right.  Mac Mac Samford, Patsy Miller, Von Myers, Kenny Burnett, Lynn Hartt, Donny Ray Smith. 
STANDING  left to right:
Barry Horton,Leslie Solomon , David McWilliams, Greg Crump,  James Box, Cindy Hudson, Betty Whiteside,  Mike Hairgrove,  and me. Danny K.




Class of 1961 reunion held at the Wiley Hotel in Garrison on weekend of Sept. 29, 2018.  Photo courtesy of Cecilia Wharton.  17 Timpson High School Class of ‘61. Back l to r: Calvin, Dale, Charles, Dow, Jerry, Bobby, Hal, Joe, Jimmy Lee. Front l to r: Billie Sue, Judy, Elizabeth, Johnnie Sue, Arlene, Cecilia, Janeice, Peggy!

1924 Timpson Football Team


Timpson Times-May, 1940.  Courtesy of TAGHS. 

We are staring a timeline for Timpson.   It will take time so come back occasionally to see updates...we have a long way to go on it!!!! Still working on glitches such as spacing and will try to fix...

Timpson Timeline

1885-Nov. 5- First edition of The Timpson Times published.

1886-Bar-B-Cue held at Timpson-more than 3,000 attend.  

         -First school building erected.

1886-Jim Truitt, editor of Timpson Times murdered.

1887-Whiskey people win in Timpson...211 in favor...114 against. 

1888-(Circa)-Timpson canning plant built.

1890-Timpson incorporated.  JE Blankenship elected first mayor.

1891-GS Espy elected mayor.

1894-Mrs. Albert Durambus and two children murdered and house burned.

1895-Summer Normal school ended in Aug.  Attendance of 65 for summer.

1895-Charter filed for Timpson Hardware/lumber co. 

            Capital stock of $40,000.

1895-Railroad from Timpson to Carthage approved.  Will be built under TS Garrison.

1899-School burns down.

1901-Fire destroys most of downtown Timpson.  $225,000 in damage.

1902-Company B of Third Infantry organized at Timpson.  

          Captain JD Jennings as commanding officer.

1903-10 miles south of Timpson.  Feud between families of Chapman, Hanks and Prince families.  Gunfire erupts...1 dead, 2 fatally wounded, 1 seriously wounded.

1904-School term cut in Timpson due to lack of funding. 84 girls and 4 boys graduate.

1906-Captain TJ Todd, pioneer and former mayor of Timpson dies.

1907-Bond issued approved for $9,000 for new addition to school.  Lumber yard fire at mill in Stockman.

         Timpson High School affiliated with Texas A&M.  Meaning no test is required for student from THS to be admitted.

1908-JD "Dollar Mayor" dies.  Editor of Times and mayor of Timpson.

1909-Located 10 miles west of Timpson, fire at Bagley Lumber causes $100,000 in damage.

         First "East Texas Fair" held in Timpson.

1910-Timpson Soda & Mineral Water Co. files a certificate of dissolution.

           Timpson HS opens late due new bldg. construction.  New auditorium will seat 700.

           Fire destroys 7 or 8 old business houses on South First St.

            Telephone Co. Installed & lots of surrounding community residences have phones.

1911-Simpson's Mill boiler explodes.  Located 8 miles south of Timpson. 2 killed and 8 injured.

         Borgard & Son erect bldg. on South First St. To use as warehouse..

         Fire destroys Keelman & Coleman bldg and JH McGauhy bldg.

         Timpson Bottling Co & received its new ice cream machine & installed.

          School kids expected to be brought by train on a Saturday to go to Fair.  

           Over 5,000 kids expected!!!

1912-NM Addison appointed postmaster at Blair.

1913-Gulf Pump Station built in Weaver.

1914-Timpson bond issued passed.  $17,000 for water works and $10,000 for cement sidewalks.

1916-Company B at Harlingen, TX with over 100 members.  

          The Captain is RR Morrison.

           Attempted robbery at Cotton Belt State Bank.  Safe blew open.  Robbers fled

            Into woods without any money.

1917-Co. B arrives back in Timpson after 10 months on border. Greeted by 2,000.

1918-Pvt. Jodie M. Ferguson from Timpson fatally wounded in WWI.

1919-W. H. Butler elected Superintendent of Timpson High School.

         Celebration on 4th planned for returning troops from WWI

         State mandated construction on 7 dipping vats to be built around Timpson.

         Timpson Boy Scouts celebrate their anniversary at Methodist Chuch.

1920-Crown Theatre sold by G.T and G.W. Trammel to W.H Powers.

1921-J. Preston Crimm starts Timpson school year as Superintendent.

1928-Dr. TF. Whiteside dies.  Part owner of Whiteside-Johnson Hospital in Timpson.

          Timpson HS Band wins 1st at East Tx. C. of Comm. meeting in Greenville, TX

1931-Timpson wins district in football.   Plays and loses to Crockett in Bi-District..

1932-City tax rate dropped from 1.25 to 0.75 cents making Timpson having one of lowest rates.

1934-Timpson wins district in football for second time.  Plays and loses to Mineola in Bi-District.

1937-March-School burns down.

1942-Mrs.. Maudell J. Spencer appointed acting Postmaster at Timpson during the war.

         Annual Christmas Parade canceled due to wartime economy.

         School ends two early due to National March the school went to six day week.

1955-Costruction of Lake Timpson starts on Jan. 4, 1955 and finish in late 1956.

1958-Timpson goes to Bi-District for third time.   Loses to Leveretts Chapel.

1959-June- Youngs Motel opens.

1965-J.E. Blankenship dies . (1872-1965)  first mayor of Timpson and leading merchant. .



First Timpson School-Shared by Marian Hooper Bodiford-Class of 1947

Ouida Dean Whitaker's Videos

When Ouida Dean Whitaker taught at Timspon, apparently she had a video class.  Here is a link to about two dozen videos that she and the class made around 1975.II do not recognize any of the students but I am sure the people that were in school around that time will recognize a lot of people.  A lot are the high school but some are interviews at Tyer Saw Mill, an interview with a female farmer, etc.   Click HERE to go to the videos.  Once on the site, you can go to page two on the site to see more interviews...especially the Stockman Farmers interviews....

Billy Whiteside-Class of 1948

We were saddened to learn of the passing of Billy Whiteside from the Class of 1948 on May 26.  Billy resided most of his adult life in Corpus Christi. Billy will be missed by all that knew him.  God Bless Billy and his family. The picture below is courtest of Marian Hooper Bodiford from the Class of 1947.  Rushing Manning was a Ag. teacher at THS in the 1940s and also served as a state legislator during this time.




Witcher's Lake-Photo courtesy of Marian Hooper Bodiford from the Class of 1947 which was about the time the picture was most lkiely taken.



Band History -To the best we can determine the band has won 29 Sweepstakes.  The first being in the Spring of 1953 with C.W. Sheets as director.  In the 1990’s decade the band won sweepstakes nine out of ten years.  The most years in a row for sweepstakes has been seven years from 1996 thru 2002. Congratulations to all throughout the years who have played in the great Timpson High School Bands and those who have directed the band and the many volunteers throughout the years who have done what is necessary to insure the success of the band!!!  THANKS>
As with most research, I am sure there are mistakes.  Please let us know any so that we may correct.


Year       Band Director                    Drum Major

1953       C.W. Sheets                       Mae Frances Crump
1955       Kenneth Caldwell              Jo Ann Hudson & Bette Bogue
1962       Bobby Goff                         Donna Cozort
1963       Bobby Goff                         Donna Cozort
1964       Bobby Goff                         Donna Cozort
1965       Bobby Goff                         Patricia Bailey
1966       Raymond Thomas             Belinda Edwards
1967       Robert Hull                         Belinda Edwards
1968       Bob Berry                           Donna Amos
1978       Chris Crawford                   Rhona Graves.   Not sure if we won this year...
1982       Gordon Haney                   Sharon Scott
1984       Gordon Haney                   Dee Ann Churchman
1990       Howard Lewis                    Dari Amos
1991       Howard Lewis                    Dari Amos
1992       Howard Lewis                    Tammy Smith
1993       Mitchell Curry                     Kristy Tippett
1994       Mitchell Curry                     Lori Hoffpauir
1996       Danny Burns                      Ellie Kathryn Ramsey
1997       Danny Burns                      Crystal Root
1998       Danny Burns                      Crystal Root
1999       David Ingram                     Kristan Amos
2000       David Ingram                      Shareka Osby
2001       Jim Hagwood                      Sandy Martinez
2002       James Welch                      Morgan Stockman
2004       Nathan Templeton              Holly Golden
2005       Nathan Templeton.             Holly Golden
2007       Tim Hunger                         Ashley Morton
2008       Tim Hunger                         Gustavo Carapia
2014       Rhonda Cates                     Maggie Bush

1934 District Champs 

Second time to win districts. The team lost the bi-disrict game to Mineloa 0-31. Coached by Carlos "Smiley" Davis. Season record was 5-3-1 including bi-district loss.  Back row-second from left is Arthur Horton.   5th person is Alford Richards.  Middle row-4th person from left is Sherrill Bailey, 5th is Woodrow Smith.  This picture was sent to us by Kenny Smith-Class of 1965.  Kenny obtained it from the Alford Richards' estate.


THS School from The Galveston Daily News-
May 7th, 1911 Edition


 Timpson Football

This poem from the Timpson paper in 1934 is compliments of Wendell Paul Amos-Class of 1954.  It belonged to his father, Paul Amos,  who was a great Bear football fan and followed the team throughout the years..  In the fall of 1934, Timpson won district in football.  This was the second time they had won district and the Rev. M.R. Turner wrote the following poem.  Unfortunately it did not help the team on the field as they lost to Mineola 31-0.  To the best of our knowledge, the Bears did not play in another bi-district game until the great Bear team of 1958 played Leverettes Chapel in bi-district.

As you read through the poem, you may recognize or have heard of some of these young men that took the field against Mineola or a later generation of the family.  Some were: Arthur Horton-whose sons and grandsons were Hal Horton and Hal, Jr.;  Sherill Bailey-whose family was Tad, Gail and Patricia;  Weeks Crawford family, the list goes on and on as  future descendants of these boys attended school at Timpson in later years:  

Thank-you Wendell for sharing it with us!!! 

Players of the 1934 team.  (Forgive setup as program is not cooperating)
Joe Murphy;   Arthur Horton, E;  Tom Ramsey, B
Theo McGee, QB; Fowler Green, T;   Lamar McWilliams, G 
Woody Smith, E;   Charles Witcher,E; Larry Bearden, T
Sherrill Bailey,C;  H. Murphy, G;   Boyce Anderson, B
Ben Childs, G;    P. Childs,B;   Buck Wilson, E
Alford Richards;  Jack Swanzy;   Orborn Brown, Jr.
John Bussey Byrn;  Ray Smith;    Louie Long, B
Oxsheer Lowrance,T;   Weeks Crawford;  Downing McElfatrick
Ray Smith, Manger


Timpson High School Complete Yearbooks

Some people have lost their yearbooks or never had one. Thanks to Billy Askins, Monica Eakin Fitzgerald, Shannon Armstrong Menefee, Summer Warren Ramsey,  Linda Billingsley Amos, Beverly Williams Taylor, Carlos Gray, Kathy Magness Grisby, Roma Faye Ceal Molloy, and the  Timpson Area Genealogical and Heritage Society(TAGHS) for use of their yearbooks to scan. Just go to Classmates by Year and click on the year or click on year below to view. Please not the following years did not have yearbooks so we put in articles from old Timpson Times to serve as a yearbook for these years:  1948, 1951, 1952 and 1953. 

1945 1946 1947 1948  1949

1950 1951 1952 1953 1954

1955 1956 1957 1958 1959

1960 1961 1962 1963 1964

1965 1966 1967 1968 1969

1970 1971 1972 1973 1974

1975 1976 1977 1978 1979


1981 1982 1983 1984


1986 1987 1988 1989

1990 1991 1992 1993


1995 1996 1997 1998 1999


Welcome to the Timpson High School 1945-2011 FREE website sponsored and administered by the class of 1966 and 1968.

The more we all share: memories, photos (old, current, kids, grandkids), and ideas,  the more we will ALL ENJOY the experience and the spirit of the site.

If you know of any classmate who has not yet registered on the site, please contact them or provide an e-mail address on the Home Page and an invitation will automatically be sent to them by the website. 

Thanks for your assistance in making this a fun way of all staying in touch and reviving old friendships or starting new one because of revealed unknown life experiences.

If you have any info to share about our teachers, please "Contact Us" by e-mail on the far left side (above "In Memory" ) so that we can include the information on their profiles.

Ralph Corry ----THS Class of '66

Gregory Eakin--THS Class of '68

Danny K. Crawford--THS Class of '69

Katreena Liedtke Leavitt (Class of '87)