Classes of 1898-2025
Tribute to Our Vets
Our Veterans
It is with pride that we dedicate this page to our veterans that have served this country. May their service to our country always be honored.
Dee Ann McWilliams-Class of 1965
Major General, US Army Retired
As you picnic, camp, fish, or nap on this holiday weekend, please pause for a moment of silence at 3:00pm EDT to remember Timpson's and our nations's brave young men and women who have died in defense of our American freedom. Those liberties have not come without immense cost.
It does no good to dream of what might have been accomplished had they lived--all that lost talent and treasure. Yes, each of them was a son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, friend, or lover. We miss them dearly. And, will never forget their laughter, tears and friendship.
Reflect on their smile. Never again will it be seen except in our fondest memories--painful memories, but necessary. The fun times and good deeds are in our hearts. Your momentary pause is a small recognition that you realize their sacrifice and will remember forever. I am sure that's their simple request
U. S. Army
Porter Anderson (Class of 1900)
Spanish American War Veteran
Colonel R.R. Morrison (Class of 04)
Served in WWI & WWII
Cornelius Allen Bogard (Class of 1905)
John Verner Kiley (Class of 07)
Atkin Haden (Class of 1908)
Robert Benjamin Whitton (Class Circa of 1913)
Cyril W. Rhodes (Class of 16)
William Jennings Bryan (Class of 16)
Felix Oliver B. Johnson (Class of 16)
Richard Dumah Evans (Class of 19)
Carl H. Jones (Class Circa of 21)
Died while in training.
Lewis D. Todd (Class of 23)
Charles Daniel Bussey (Class Circa 25)
Surgeon at 56 Evac. Hospital
Joseph P. Kyle (Class Circa of 26)
James Beverly Langhorne (Class Circa of 26)
Joe Bailey Harbuck (Class of 26)
Colonel Clyde Russell Nichols (Class Circa of 26)
Marion "Preacher" Lindsey (class of 17)
Thomas Sherrod (Class of 29)
Captain Victor Koonce (Class of 30)
Dolphus Neel (Class of 31)
William Herbert Nix (Class of 31)
Barney Solomon (Class of 31)
WWII Veteran
Carl Thomas Paramore, Jr. (Class of 31)
WWII Veteran
Col. John William Bussey (Class of 31)
WWII, Korea & Vietnam
Hoya B. Murphy (Class Circa of 32)
Charles Edward O’Dell (Class of 32)
.G.W. (Bo) Griffin (Class of 33)
WWII Veteran
Edward Fulton Andrews (Class Circa of 33)
James H. Cross (Clas of 33)
R.E. McGee (Class of 34)
WWII Veteran
Sgt. James Todd (Class of 34)
Army Air Corp. WWII
John Wiley Bates (Class of 34)
James Childs (Class of 34)
Ethlyn Coan (Class of 34)
Lucy Arlene Black (Class of 34)
Marcelle Smith (Class of 35)
Lt. Army Nurse Corp.
Alford Richards (Class of 35)
Army & Air Force Career
Joe Green (Class of 35)
Captain Sam "Bo" McLeroy
Major John Tyson (Class of 36)
Army Air Corp. WWII
Whteside "Pete" Hardage (Class of 36)
Forest “Doc” Copeland (Class of 36)
Austin Winfred Mays (Class of 36)
Bertam Childs (Class of 36)
Vernon Rayford Sparks (Class of 36)
Clifton Gary (Class of 36)
Willie Herndon (Class of 36)
Miss Leta Vae Brinson (Class of 37)
WAC-S/Sgt. AFF Training Command in Ft. Worth
George Mathis (Class of 37)
Sgt. Army and also in Navy in WWII
James E. "Jake" Vaught (Class of 37)
1st Lieutenant
Lovis Eakin (Class of 38)
J. B. Brannon (Class of 38)
Charlie Crocker (Class of 38)
2nd Lt. Erwin Weeks Crawford (Class of 38)
Sidney Watson (Class Circa of 1939)
KIA in France in 1944
James Woodfin (Class Circa of 39)
Coy Nutt (Class of 39)
Howard Nix (Class of 39)
Frank Marion Henry (Class of 39)
Marion Shepherd (Class of 39)
Milton Smith (Class of 39)
Joe Emmitt Nelson (Class of 39)
Claude Barco (Class of 40)
Paul Brittain (Class of 40)
Eldon Dean Alfred (Class of 40)
Joe Bill Nelson (Class of 41)
Bert L. Rhame (Class of 41)
Archie Lee Whitson (Class of 41)
Elton Harvey (Class of 41)
Milton Long (Class of 41)
Arthur Downing (Class of 41)
Elton Harvey (Class of 41)
Joe. R. Dillon (Class of 41)
Royce Glen Nelson (Class of 41)
Talmadge Delton Stilley (Class of 41)
Army Air Corp. WWII
Dossie Jolly (Class of 42)
WWII Veteran
Joe Rhodes (Class of 42)
WWII Veteran- Medic
Charles M. Ross (Class of 42)
WWII Veteran
Charles Wayne Smith (Class of 42)
WWII Veteran
Harold Lloyd Smith (Circa Class of 42)
Lee Lavon Hughes (Class of 42)
WWII Veteran
Thomas E. "Ted" Taylor (Class of 42)
Merchant Marines-WWII
Army-Korean War
James E. Hairgrove (Class of 43)
John A. Pate
Medical Corp.
Charles Otto Hairgrove (Class of 43)
Jack Shepherd Ramsey (Class of 43)
James "Bobcat" Horton (Class of 43)
Virgil Wedgeworth (Class Circa of 44)
Lonnie B. Harley (Class of 44)
Glen William Childs (Class of 44)
Charles Forest Crump (Class of 44)
Durwood E. Neal (Class Cica of 44)
Harold Kenneth Bogue, Sr. (Class Circa of 44)
Ottis Kyle (Class Circa 0f 44)
WWII- 291st Infantry-75th Division
Edward Cox (Class of 45)
Bobby Kristensen (Class of 45)
Will Haden (Class of 45)
J. W. Moore (Class of 45)
Ferd Haden (Class of 45)
Dudley McIntyre (Class of 46)
Texas National Guard
Chales Edward Hughes (Class of 46)
Korea War
Aubrey Carlton Baker (Class of 46)
Korea War
William "Sonny" Neel (Class of 46)
Vernon Hairgrove (Class of 47)
James Byron Bogue (Class of 47)
Korea War.
Billy Joe Essery (Class of 47)
Korea War
Edwin Pate Hughes (Class of 47)
Korea War
Thomas Rhodes (Class of 48)
Korea War
Charles Jackson (Class of 48)
Korea War
Joe Nail (Class of 48)
Billy Whiteside (Class of 48)
Emmett Eugene Darnell (Class of 49)
Ross Thornton (Class of 49)
Bobby Joe Powdrill (Class of 49)
Korean War
Ben Goolsby (Class of 49)
Korea War
James E. Wedgeworth (Class of 49)
Jerry Evans (Class of 49)
1st Lt. Wesley Mason (Class of 49)
Bobby Dean Crump (Class of 49)
Bill Morgam (Class of 50)
Waynon Adams (Class of 50)
Korea War
Robert Joe Scott (Class of 50)
Master Sergeant-Korea
Paul Drewery (Class of 50)
Sammy McDaniel (Class of 50)
Laurie Gordon Murphy (Class of 50)
Damon Milford (Class of 51)
James Bruce Hughes (Class of 51)
Edd Wayne Essery (Class of 51)
James Johnson (Class of 52)
Garland Downing (Class of 51)
Bennie Carroll Grant (Class of 51)
David Wayne Crawford (Class of 51)
J.C. Wharton (Class of 51)
Jerrel D. Oliver (Class of 51)
82nd &101st Airborne Divisions
Vietnam, Korea, etc.
Amos Wilson Risinger (Class of 52)
Signal Corps
Billy Kimbro (Class of52)
Jerry Van Rhodes (Class of 52)
Clyde Baker (Class of 52)
Korea and Vietnam
Robert Glyn "Bob" Hughes (Class of 52)
F.M. Hughes (Class of 52)
Bill Van Powers (Class of 53)
Billie Joe Sapp (Class of 53)
Willis B. Wilson (Class of 53)
Dannie Sapp (Class of 53)
Thomas Earl Brown (Class of 54)
Billy Ray Magness (Class of 54)
Marlon Paramore (Class of 55)
MP in Korea in DMZ
Kenneth Paul Milford (Class of 55)
Robert Tyer (Class of 56)
Robert Metteauer (Class of 56)
Kenneth Paul Brittain (Class of 56)
Thomas Cozart (Class of 56)
Texas National Guard and Reseve in Army
Jimmy Stilley (Class of 56)
John Prycer Eakin (Class of 57)
Glenn Dan Ramsey (Class of 57)
Gene Bowlin (Class of 57)
Willie Herndon (Class of 57)
Bobby Gene Stilley (Class of 57)
Robert Pate (Class of 58)
Army Air Defense - Korea, Germany
Johnny Yarborough (Class of 58)
Bob Shelton Cook (Class of 58)Korea
David Pike (Class of 58)
Vietnam, Korea, Germany
Billy Ray Shadowens (Class of 59)
Milititary Police
Billy Williams (Class of 58)
Cleon Johnson (Class of 59)
Johnny Ray Renfro (Class of 59)
Gail Hancock (Class of 59)
Johnny Robinson (Class of 59)
Military Police-Vietnam
Richard Earl Johnson (Class of 1960)
Jimmy Powers (Class of 61)
Tad Adams (Class of 62)
PFC-KIA Vietnam in 1966
Link to Tad's Profile
Jimmy Yarborough (Class of 62)
Leonard Hughes (Cliass of 62)
Charles Frank Massey (Class of 62)
Scooter Young (Class of 62j
Jerry Green (Class of 62)
Charles Cook (Class of 63)
J.T. Rhodes (Class of 63)
James Carroll Thomas (Class of 63)
John Tyson (Class of 63)
David Day (Class of 63)
Tony Eakin (Class of 63)
173rd Airborne Division-Vietnam
Lenward (Buck) Raines (Class of 63)
Bobby Stokes (Class of 64)
Orval Miller (Class of 64)
Infantry Platoon Sergeant-Vietnam
Marcus Welch (Class of 64)
Japan, Vietnam
Dee Ann McWilliams (Class of 65)
Major General
Bruce Crump (Class of 65)
Military Police-Vietnam
J.W. Samford (Class of 65)
Tommy Williams (Class of 65)
J. B. Barr ((Class of 65)
Mike Pledger (Class of 65)
Cecil Oliver (Class of 65)
Ronnie Burleson (Class of 65)
Donald Mac Burnett (Class of 66)
Frank Harris (Class of 66)
Donald Wall (Class of 66)
Drill Instructor
Marion Miller (Class of 66)
Freddy Peters (Class of 66)
Robert Hailey (Class of 67)
Terry Bussey (Class of 67)
Jerry Hammers (Class of 68)
Drill Instructor Vietnam
Jack Wilder (Class of 68)
Donn Shepherd (Class of 68)
101st Airborne-Vietnam
Bernard Crump (Class of 68)
Ronnie Crump (Class of 68)
David Windham (Class of 68)
Danny K. Crawford (Class of 69)
4/7 Calv. Korea
Sam Childs (Class of 69)
Claude Hudman (Class of 69)
LaWayne Hendericks (Class of 69)
James Box (Class of 69)
Ralph Richard (Class of 70)
Jerry Wayne Hooper (Class of 73)
Donell Hlideeth (Class of 74)
Mark Maxwell (Class of 75)
Howard Tutt (Class of 75)
Bill Oates (Class of 76)
Military Aviator-Gulf Wars,Grenada
Kenneth Page (Class of 77)
Emmitt Yarbrough (Class of 79)
Mario Johnson (Class of 80)
Kerry Steven Whiteside (Class of 82)
Served 23 years-Deployed to Iraq in 2001-2002
Leveius Bryant (Class of 85)
US Army Ranger 1988-1996-Gulf War Vet.
Infantry Airborne, Air Assult
Harry Liedtke (Class of 85)
Les Park (Class of 87)
Kirk Stamps (Class of 87)
Saudia Arabia & Desert Storm
Floyd Cuzick (Class of 87)
Bracy Batson/Taylor (Class of 88)
Sean Bush (Class of 89)
101st Airborne-Desert Storm-Iraq,Kuwait
James Hooper, Jr. (Class of 89)
Cedric Grace (Class of 91)
Mark Miller (Class of 92)
Freda Richard (Class of 93)
Will Garnet (Class of 93)
Jeremiah B. Soape (Class of 96)
Antonio Sanchez (Class of 96)
Warrant Officer-Afghanistan
Jason Peveto (Class of 99 )
Chad Moreland (Class of 99)
Thomas Cosby (Class of 99)
Arnold Kaluza (Class of 2000)
Jonathan Williams (Class of 2000)
SGT. Joseph Lewis Kolajack (Class of 2000)
Bryan L. Moreland (Class of 01)
Seargent-Hawaii, Korea
James Rudloff (Class of 02)
Chance Wright (Class of 2004)
Sawyer Pinkston (Class of 2024)
Captain Mattin Togo Green (Class of 1924)
Cryptographic in Aleutian Islands
Homer Smith (Class of 24)
James Taylor (Class of 28)
Van Buren Fitz (Class of 28)
F. M. Davis, Jr. (Class of 28)
Col. John Bogard (Class of 31)
Staff of Jimmy Doolittle
William Pat Byrn (Class of31)
Army Air Corp
Sam Dennard Henry (Class of 32)
Jsck Snelson (Class of 32)
Army Air Force
John Burns Motley (Class of 33)
Army Air Corp
Phillip H. Childs, Sgt.(Class of 34)
Army Air Corp-KIA
Harry Askins (Class of 34)
Lt. G.C. Sayers (Class of 34)
Col. T.P. Rutherford, Jr. (Class of 34)
James Fank Todd (Class of 34)
World War II-Photograph Analyst-Philippines, New Guinea, Australia
Captain Sherrill Bailey (Class of 35)
Elvie Wooten (Class of 35)
Jack Leon Snelson (Class of 35)
Army Air Corp
Robert Wilson Bryan (Class of 35)
Army Air Corp.
James Wilson Wilson (Class of 35)
Captain Boyce C. Aderson (Class of 35)
Silvanus "Sil" Winfrey, Jr. (Class Circa of 35)
KIA in Australia as plane was taking off runway.
Alfrod Richards (Class of 35)
Army & Air Force
James w. Wilson (Class of 35)
Charlie Garrison Sanford (Class of 36)
Earl Childs (Class of 36)
Sgt. Army Air Force
John Bussey Byrn (Class of 36)
2nd. Lt Army Air Corp.
Bob A. Bates (Class of 37)
Army Air Corp
Charles B. Witcher, Jr. (Class of 37)
Hershell Ramsey (Class of 37)
Ebb Smith (Class of 37)
WWII Veteran
Operations Chief-66th Fighter Squadron
Tom Autry Todd (Class of 37)
Mark Shepherd (Class of 37)
Mervel Cump (Class of 38)
Lt. Col. Jarrell Dean Holloway (Class of 38)
Blanton Brooks (Class of 38)
Master Sergeant-WW II & Korea
Sargeant Vernon Walters (Class of 38)
Clant Shepherd (Circa Class of 39)
Distinguished Flying Cross
Terrell Childs (Class of 39)
Chief Master Sergeant
Archie Leonard Harris (Class of 39)
Thomas Sparks {Class of 39)
Marvin Kenneth Crausby (Class of 39)
George Thomas Green (Class of 40)
Sgt. Bertrand Savage (Class of 40)
Army Air Corp.-WWII
Vernon Childs(Class of 41)
Thomas "Junior" Sparks (Clsss of 41)
Army Air Corp. (WWII)
Louis Gerald Hancock (Circa Class of 41)
Army Air Corp-Troop Carrier Command-WWII
Elize Nelson (Class of 42)
Joe Bussey (Class of 42)
Bruce C. Baker (Class of 42)
SGT. Army Air Corp-KIA
Benford Harris (Class of 42)
SSGT-WWII, Korea, Vietnam
S/S Syl Winfrey (Class of 42)
Died in plane crash during WWII in Australia
Charley (C. B.) Nipp (Class of 43)
Wilford C. Skelton (Class of 43)
Hulon Courtney (Class of 45)
Tommy Eakin (Class of 45)
Waymond Fitts (Class of 45)
Melvin Ramsey ( Circa Class of 45)
CMSGT. J.M. Green (Class of 45)
WWII, Korea & Vietnam
F.M. Crump (Class of 46)
Elvin Mervin Gary(Class of 46)
Army Air Force
Tommy Herrington (Class of 46)
Jimmie Burk Moreland (Class of 47)
Lt. Colonel-Vietnam
J.B. Cassidy(Class of 47)
MSgt. Koea and Vietnam
James Earl Rhodes (Class of 47)
Burnet Moses (Class of 48)
Troy Dent (Class of 48)
Colonel-Korea, Vietnam, Pentagon
Bernell Tate (Class of 48)
Flight Engineer in North Africa during Korea War
Jimmy Neel (Class of 49)
SSGT Harold Hugh Rhodes (Class of 49)
Delbert Wheeler (Class of 50)
Thomas Collins (Class of 50)
Shirley Patterson (Class of 51)
Ira Burgay,Jr. (Class of 52)
Marshall Heflin (Class of 52)
Edgar "Eddie" Welch (Class of 52)
Forrest Hailey (Class of 54)
Paul Humphries (Class of 54)
Master Sgt-Korean Conflict
Kenneth Baker (Class of 54)
Wendell Amos (Class of 54)
Kenneth Baker (Class of 54)
Master Sergeant E-9-Korea and Vienam
Lee Powdrill (Class of 54)
Bobby Bailey (Class of 54)
Bobby Scott (Class of 55)
Loy Dean McGowan (Class of 56)
Bobby Dean Brunson (Class of 56)
Jon Ben Hooper (Class of 56)
Staff Sergeant-Vietnam
Jimmy Scott (Class of 57)
Bill Eldridge (Class of 57)
Billy Joe Crump (Class of 59)
Joe Dean Metteauer (Class of 60)
Robert Sowell (Class of 60)
Jay Peters (Class of 60)
Dale Ware (Class of 61)
Tony Clifton (Class of 62)
Byron Bridwell (Class of 62)
Ted Dent (Class of 64)
Jerry Lynn Evans (Class of 64)
Shelby Crump (Class of 65)
Jeff Bowlin (Class of 65)
Steven Stamps (Class of 66)
Roger Machost (Class of 66)
Dale Bradshaw (Class of 66)
Billy Ray Ramsey (Class of 67)
Ted Hairgrove (Class of 57)
Terry Thomas (Class of 68)
Joe Dan Frederick (Class of 69)
Carlos Gray (Class of 70)
Robert Salser (Class of 72)
Larry Dean Hooper (Class of 74)
Richard Stokes (Class of 75)
Jerry Throckmorton (Class of 75)
David Smith (Class of 78)
Connell Patton (Class of 75)
Stephen Amos (Class of 75)
Montie E. Arnold (Class of 79)
Raymond Henning (Class of 1980)
Bracy Baston/Taylor (Class of 88)
Eight years in Army before transferring to Air Force
Iraq(Three tours), Afghanistan(Two tours)
Korea deployment in fall of 2010
Ronnie Solomon (Class of 88)
Marsha Bradshaw (Class of 92)
Tammy Blevins Crema (Class of 96)
Phillip Youngblood (Class of 96)
Richard Ashley (Class of 97)
Paul Carroll (Class of 99)
Wade Angleo (Class of 04)
Chris Benton (Class of 04)
Chance Wright (Class of 04)
Benjamin Williams (Class of 2009)
Cameron Courtney (Class of 2010)
David Moore (Class of 2012)
Lt. Frank Bussey, Jr. (Class of 29)
Dewey Wayne Jackson (Class of 36)
Joel H. Murphy (Class of 36)
Thomas Rhodes Milfrod (Class of 38)
Served as medic in Navy and Marines
Vernon McLeroy (Class of 40)
WWII Veteran
Lt. Zeb Junior Ramsy (Class of 40)
WWII and Korea
George Hutcherson (Class Circa 43)
Duhon Humphries (Class of 43)
Billy Nelson (Class Circa of 44)
O.J. (Crook) Worsham (Class of 44?)
Noman Burns (Class of 47)
Chief Warrant Off-4 Charles Brittain (Class of 47)
Served 34 years. Served in Korea and two tours in Vietnam
Richard Clay (Class of 55)
Phillip Amos (Class of 55)
Vanard McDaniel (Class of 58)
H. M. Fletcher (Class of 58)
Troy Crump (Class of 61)
Alan Burleson (Class of 63)
George Hancock (Class of 64)
Jimmy Hopkins (Class of 65)
Bevie Kent Bowlin (Class of 65)
Wendall Scott ( Class of 71)
A. J. Bussey (Class of 73)
Raymond Soto (Class of 80)
Steve Watkins (Class of 82)
William Stover (Class of 82)
Brian White (Class of 91)
Sgt. David Brock (Class of 92)
Dominique Yarbrough (Class of 93)
Gunnery Sergeant-Japan, Iraq, Korea, Kuwait
Sgt. Josh Whitton (Class of 95)
Gunnery Sgt. Darrin Minderman (Class of 95)
Kent Brown (Class of 98)
Joshua Celis (Class of 2000)
Ricky Pate (Class of 02)
Sargent-Works with Osprey aircraft-Iraq
Joel Pipes (Class of 03)
Sargent E-5 Iraq, Afghanistan
La'Derius Fa One Bryan (Class of 2011)
James Moore (Class of 2016)
Robert Earl Henry (Class of 1914)
Leonard Bryan (Class of 1916)
HN 2-Hospitalman Apprenitce-WWI
Jarvis Clinton Youngblood (Circa Class of 21)
Theron Smith (Class of 30)
WWII-Chief Radioman
Ray Stanfield (Class of 33)
Flight Instructor
Sanford Pincham (Class of 33)
Milton Travis Holloway (Class of 35)
Vernon Shelton (Class of 35)
Robert Bowlin (Circa Class of 35)
Larry Bearden ( Class of 35)
Lawrence Franks (Class of 36)
John William Eakin (Class of 36)
Fred W. Davis (Class of 37)
Chief Signal-Purple Heart
Joyce Merline Smith(Foy) (Class of 37)
Navy Nurse
Orborn (Buck) Brown (Class of 37)
Roland Darnell (Class of 38)
Peavy Johnston (Class of 38)
Boyd Miller (Class of 38)
C.D. (Mac) McElfatrick (Class of 38)
Thomas Rhodes Milfrod (Class of 38)
Served as medic in Navy and Marines
Hulon Bowlin (Class of 38)
Lee Alton Jones (Class of 38)
Joyce Merline Smith (Class of 38)
Fred Wallace Davis, Sr. (Class of 38)
Retired as First Sgt. 49th Armored National Guard
Hulon Bowlin (Class of 39)
Joe Nichols (Class of 40)
Attached to USMC
Ellen Gregor Moody (Class of 40)
Boyce Melville Fallin (Class of 1940)
Virginia R. Jarratt (Class of 40)
She served as Ensign
Walter Eugene Boynton (Class of 41)
Cecil Laverne Nix (Class of 41)
Josepeh Neuville Bogard (Class of 42)
Edgar Billingsley (Class of 43)
Hollis Eugene Bogue (Class of 43)
Thomas Fenn (Class of 43)
Lt. Mars Dickerson (Class of 43)
Served 23 Years
Charles W. Mills (Class Circa of 43)
Charles McIntyre (Class of 43)
Bobby Molloy (Class of 43)
W.C. Brown (Class of 43)
Gerald Deward Mills (Class Circa 1944)
Robin Hooper, Jr. (Class of 44)
Veltus McLeroy (Class Circa of 44 )
Charles Glenn Lightfoot (Class of 44)
Therill Hughes (Class of 45)
Harold "Tex" Crump (Class of 45)
Maurice Baker (Class of 45)
John Thomas Brinson (Class of 45)
Thomas Plesant Hughes, Jr. (Class of 45)
WW II Veteran
Harold David Clay (Class of 46)
Maurice Gene Fitts (Class of 46)
Meltruem "Bill" Lee Mills (Class of 48)
Max Powers (Class of 49)
James Webb (Class of 51)
Charles Ogletree (Class of 53)
Ben Neel (Class of 55)
Terry Harris (Class of 61)
Byron Bridwell (Class of 62)
Riley Smith (Class of 62)
Vietnam Aircrew-Avionics
Jimmy Bruce Crump (Class of 63)
Billy Mack Parmley (Class of 67)
Regie Harris (Class of 68)
Medical Staff - Guam, Vietnam
Von Myers (Class of 69)
Michael Driver (Class of 1970)
Bobby Welch (Class of 75)
20 year vet-Mostly in Asia
Vernett Richardson (Class of 83)
Chief-Military Intelligence Analyst
Aaron Brown (Class of 84)
Charles Wayne Hooker (Class of 84)
Navy Airman D-3, Plane Captain
Mary Elizabeth Noelette (Grant) (Class of 85)
Nick Sherrouse (Class of 87)
Brad Smith (Class of 87)
Tony Solomon(Wilson) (Class of 91)
Luis Castillo (Class of 2001)
Jose Castillo (Class of 2002)
Kimberly Michonski (Class of 2012)
John Jacobs III (Class of 2012)
Bre’Unnia Peterson (Class of 2023)
Devon Morrow( ( Class of 2023)
Emmett Snelson (Class of 30
Lovis Harris (Class of 30))
Charles Hardage (Clsss of 37)
O'Neil Humphries (Class of 39)
Robert Lee Yarbrough (Class Circa of 44)
Leon Turpin (Class of 48)
Jimmy Galbreath (Class of 64)
Eddie Flores (Class of 64)
Felton Gilmore (Class of 1980)
C.C. McClellan (Class of 28)
Stephen Ramsey (Class of 90)
Blake Smith (Class of 89)
If you know the branch of military a person served that is listed below, please email and let us know or if you know of anyone else at THS that served in the mililtary that is not listed let us know.
Sgt. Tulley Allen Tribble (Circa Class of 26)
Sid Horton (Class of 31)
John Bussey Byrn (Class of 36)
WWII-Died in plane crash in 1943
Clinton Roberts (Class of 36)
WW II Veteran
Major Theo McGee (Class of 36)
Cotton Wallace(Class of 38)
Curtis Paul Pollard (Class of 40)
John Allen Brown (Class of 41)
WW II Veteran
James Bryce (Class of 43)
Dovie Lee Screws (Class of 43)
Cadet Nursing Corp.
Dixie Ruth Tippett (Class of 44)
Cadet Nursing Corp
Johnnie Christine Rhodes (Class of 44)
Cadet Nursing Corp.
Elvyn Harold Baker (Class of 44)
Charles Taylor (Class of 46)
Correspondent for Stars and Stripes
Weldon Griffin (Class of 47)
James Howard Brooks (Class of 50)
I am a Warrior,
I fight not for glory or fame,
For they are momentary.
I fight for who can't.
I fight for Justice.
I fight for the oppressed and down trodden.
And if I should lose my life for thes just causes,
Then I have no regrets for I serve to protect the innocent.
It matters not where or when,
For evil and danger know no boundaries.
Be it fire,flood, or the threat of tyranny,
I will not flee.
Justice is my weapon,
Faith my shield,
And Hope my armor.
Cry not at my passing,
For it was my Honor to fight for you.
Shed not tears of sorrow but tears of Joy,
For now,,I stand with God.
In Loving Memory and Honor of the Men and Women of
the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement, Firefighters, EMS, and Coast Guard.
By Jon F. Hooper-Class of 77
Written Oct. 2001 Following 9/11
All gave some, Some gave all.
Two iconic photographs taken decades apart, yet so hauntingly similar.
Died in plane crash on way home from Korea War